Welcome to the APELL PERU platform!

Informational portal about the APELL program in Peru: promoting safety and environmental protection. Here you will find a wide variety of materials and implementation experiences of the APELL program, focused on risk and emergency management.

Our goal is to disseminate knowledge and share resources that help improve risk management and strengthen internal and external communication of companies with communities in emergency situations. You will find manuals, guides, news, events, and other relevant resources that will allow you to learn from successful implementation experiences of the APELL program.

Responsible management of tailings.

The implementation of the APELL Program stands out by meeting 77% of the requirements of the Global Standard.

Recognition to RAPID LA by the United Nations.

Allow me to specifically highlight that in Peru, there have been very successful and effective APELL implementations.
The organization RAPID LA, in collaboration with the national and district government, has been developing several APELL programs aimed at helping the community identify and manage potential risks.
Chief of the Resources and Markets Section, Division of Industry and Economics, UNEP.

APELL: a cross-cutting strategy.

This strategy focuses on awareness and preparedness for emergencies at the local level and aims to minimize the negative impacts of emergency situations on the population, the private sector, and the state…