APELL United Nations Manual

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Segundo manual APELL Naciones Unidas - Español

This second edition of the Manual incorporates the objectives of the 1988 Manual edition and presents the APELL Process as a practical framework, focused on action and adaptable to the goals and Vision of success of each community.

UN Environment has made significant efforts to increase global awareness of the effectiveness of the APELL Process in improving local awareness and preparedness for technological accidents and environmental emergencies. APELL has been introduced in over 30 countries. This has resulted in lasting collaborations at the local level, including some that have lasted for more than 20 years and have led to successful cases of emergency preparedness organized by multiple stakeholders.

Specific guidance materials have been prepared for the chemical, mining, and transportation sectors, as well as ports and storage facilities, which have been applied in industrialized communities in different parts of the world.

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