Global Tailings Management Standard for the Mining Industry: A Milestone Towards Sustainability

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REPORTE del Estándar Global de Gestión de Relaves para la Industria Minera

Public consultation and comments: An inclusive process

During the period from November 15th to December 31st, 2019, a public consultation and comment period on the Standard took place. The Global Tailings Review team organized 21 workshops in different countries, including Australia, Chile, China, Ghana, Kazakhstan, and South Africa, where inputs were received from a wide range of stakeholder groups. Additionally, 202 online and email responses were received, along with 427 comments from workshop participants.

A milestone towards sustainability

The Global Tailings Management Standard for the Mining Industry is a significant achievement on the path to ensuring that tailings facilities do not cause harm to people and the environment. With a comprehensive focus on tailings management, this standard aims to prevent catastrophic failures and improve safety at mining tailings facilities worldwide.

Key features of the Standard

The Global Tailings Management Standard addresses a number of crucial issues in the mining industry, including:

Significant involvement of affected communities

The Standard promotes meaningful participation of people affected by mining projects throughout the life cycle of tailings facilities.

Stricter requirements on human rights and environmental protection

The Standard strengthens requirements related to human rights and environmental protection, with special attention to the effects of climate change on tailings facilities and site restoration.

Structured approach to risk management

The Standard establishes a structured and robust approach to risk classification of existing and future tailings facilities.

Governance mechanism and public disclosure

The Standard sets up a governance mechanism for the management of tailings facilities and promotes public disclosure and transparency of information related to these facilities.

Implementation of the Standard

The Global Tailings Management Standard consists of six thematic areas, 15 principles, and 77 audit requirements.

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